Frequently Asked Questions
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The simplest way to place an order is to search the extensive catalogue on our website and go through our secure checkout process.
If you cannot locate the desired title(s) or you need assistance placing an order, you may also place an order by emailing or calling +233-244-49-8467.
Yes, there is a FREE delivery on orders above GHC120. If you have any questions, please email or call +233-244-49-8467 and we will do our best to accommodate your order.
General orders received before 3 PM GMT are delivered same day to customers within Ghana and some receive their items the same day or the following day. International customers who place orders before 12 PM GMT will be delivered within 10-14 business days. Please view our shipping page for complete details.
The quoted prices on our website is a reflection of a non-returnable rate. Therefore, fulfilled orders are final and may not be returned.
As a generational bookstore, and one that is committed to making shopping online for Africans secure, efficient, effective and hustle free. We accept all major credit and debit cards and more special mobile money.
For now, our application is under review by the New York Times and if approved, we will be doing order reporting of bestseller lists to them.